
September 02, 2018
Tiramisu is a coffee-flavoured Italian dessert. It is made of ladyfingers dipped in coffee, layered with a whipped mixture of eggs, sugar, and mascarpone cheese, flavoured with cocoa. This Tiramisu recipe is alcohol free. 


(serves 4)

3 medium sized egg yolks
1/2 cup white sugar
1 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream(cold)
250g mascarpone cheese(room temperature)
2 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanillas extract
2tsp instant coffee
1/2 cup water
2 packs of lady fingers( depends on the tray size)
Unsweetened cocoa powder for dusting


  1. Bring water to boil and mix coffee and keep aside to cool. 
  2. In a double boiler, combine egg yolks, sugar and milk and whisk constantly for around 10 minutes until the mixture is very smooth and pale. Set aside and let it cool. 
  3. Once cool, transfer the egg mixture to a large bowl and add in the softened room temperature mascarpone cheese. Mix well until incorporated and smooth.( do not over-beat)
  4. Then take another bowl, combine heavy whipping cream, 1 tbsp sugar and vanilla and beat in medium to high speed until you get stiff peaks. ( be careful not to overbeat too long as you we will end up getting butter)
  5. Add the cooled egg and mascarpone mixture and gently fold to incorporate. (The mixture should not be liquid or too stiff.)
  6. Finally Assemble the tiramisu. 
  7. Spread a thin layer of the cream mixture to the base of the dish and then spread the sponge fingers soaked in cooled coffee. Repeat until top. Last layer should be cream mixture. Refrigerate at least for 6 hours or overnight is best. 
  8. When serving sprinkle cocoa powder. Enjoy!

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