French Macarons

July 12, 2019
Who doesn't love Macarons? This easy French macaron recipe makes a batch of the most dainty, delicate, and delicious cookies that will melt right into your mouth.  Making French Macarons is a challenge for any beginner. It is all about the technique and practice. After so many trials and errors, I have finally found out what worked for me.

(makes 16 macrons)


For the Macaron shells

*Please measure all your ingredients exactly. 
3/4 cup Ground Almonds (almond powder) (90g)
1 cup Icing Sugar (125g)
2 Egg Whites (at room temperature)
1/4 tsp Cream of Tartar
1/4 tsp Salt
1/4 cup White Sugar (50g)
1/2 tsp vanilla powder
1-2 Drops Red Gel Colouring (or any other colour prefered)

For the Buttercream

1/2 cup Butter (110g)
1½ cups Icing Sugar (190g)
½ tsp Vanilla essence
1 tsp milk 


  1. Prepare two cookie trays and draw circles using a pencil in an oil paper, flip them and place them on the tray. (I prefer using the cookie trays rather using Macron silicon mats as it will give firm feet to the macrons.)
  2. Add the ground almonds and icing sugar to a food processor and pulse 5-6 times until the almonds and sugar are well combined. Then sift them altogether and keep it aside. 
  3. Separate the 2 eggs, very carefully without letting even a drop of egg yolk mixed to the whites. 
  4. Add the whites to stainless steel or glass bowl (do not use plastic bowls to beat the egg whites as it will retain fat. Make sure the bowl is very dry and at room temperature). 
  5. Beat the egg whites until they become foamy and add the salt and Cream of Tartar. 
  6. While beating in a high speed, sprinkle in the ¼ cup of sugar little at a time. 
  7. When the egg whites are at the soft peak stage add the vanilla essence and colouring. Whip again until they reach stiff peaks. 
  8. Add half of the dry ingredients (almond powder and icing sugar) and fold together until combined. 
  9. Add the remaining and fold together until you can make a figure 8 in the bowl without the mixture breaking. (the mixture should not be over mixed nor under-mixed)
  10. Spoon into a piping bag with a small round tip (I used Wilton tip No.10) and pipe inch rounds about an inch apart on a lined baking sheet. (I could pipe 32 shells)
  11. Once piped, tap the sheet on the work surface 5 times to remove any air bubbles and leave it  to set for 30-45 minutes. (The drying out process is very important and the drying time will depend on your climate. If you are living in a hot climate, it can take up to an hour.)
  12. When you can touch the macrons without smudging them, preheat the oven to 150 degrees for 10 minutes.
  13. Then bake the Macarons for 15-18 minutes. (Keep an eye after 15 mins otherwise macrons will start to brown)
  14. Cool completely before filling. 
  15. To make the buttercream beat the butter for 5 minutes with a hand mixer or in a stand mixer. Add the sugar in thirds, beating in between each addition until incorporated. Finally add the vanilla and milk and beat well. 
  16. Pipe 1 tablespoon of buttercream on top of half of the Macarons and top with the other half, pressing until the buttercream reaches the edges. Enjoy!


  • Macarons are best the next day so make them a day ahead of when you want to serve them.
  • Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Can be stored upto 7 days.


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