
December 05, 2018
1. The content on this website is exclusively owned by the creator and the moderator of Shana’s kitchen, Irshana Hameed. As such, all content found throughout this website including recipes, cookery demonstrations, images, videos are original and is to be treated as the ‘sole property’ of Shana’s kitchen and is copyright Shana’s kitchen 2018 unless otherwise stated.

2. No part of the site and no content including photos and videos maybe copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed or distributed in any way or on any platform, unless strict adherence to clause 3.1 and 3.2 are met.

The use of all content on this website including images by any commercial enterprise or for any commercial/ advertising and any other purpose that may be reasonably construed as ‘commercial’ without the prior express written consent of Shana’s Kitchen is strictly prohibited. Please write to us at shanaskitchenofficial@gmail.com if you wish to use any images or recipes for any commercial purposes.

3. You may share the recipes found on this website on any social media platform. In doing so, compliance with the following clauses is crucial.

3.1. Proper credits are to be given to the the original post and the original source (Shana’s kitchen) at all times.

3.2. Credits would be deemed as sufficiently manifested by posting either the direct website link and/or Facebook/Instagram links as well as tagging @shanaskitchen on any such post.

4. The use of any content without the prior consent of Shana’s kitchen and/or failure to give credits to the original post/source will result in being in violation of copyright laws. Actions will be taken against users who intentionally and/or recurrently infringe.

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